Hacking a Vulnerable VM: Unmasking Vulnerabilities and Analyzing Incidents in Kibana


Firefox, Hydra, Nmap, John the Ripper, Metasploit, curl, MSVenom

Network Topology

Red Team Security Assessment


Nmap identified the following hosts on the network:

Vulnerability Assessment

The assessment uncovered the following critical vulnerabilities in the target:

Exploitation: Sensitive Data Exposure

NMAP scan detected IP address of to an open port 80.

Checked and verified that there was a webserver up and running at using Firefox web browser

Discovered information about a /secret_folder/ as well as information about the team that led to determining usernames and roles. Specifically Ashton and the company_folders/secret_folder directory.

Exploitation: Brute Force

Hydra was used to successfully perform a dictionary attack against the login portal for the secret_folder

hydra -l ashton -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz -s 80 -f -vV http-get /company_folders/secret_folder

hydra -l ashton -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz -s 80 -f -vV http-get /company_folders/secret_folder
Hash of Ryan’s password

Hash of Ryan’s password

Exploitation: Unauthorized File Upload

Exploitation: Brute Force

Used CrackStation to crack the password hash and access Ryans account

Exploitation: Unauthorized File Upload

Used MSFVenom to create a malicious payload designed to give a reverse shell.

Exploitation: Remote Code Execution

Reverse Shell Backdoor

Activated the shell.php on the web server

Got in on a meterpreter shell and found the flag


Blue Team Log Analysis and Attack Characterization

Kibana Panels are as follows:

  • HTTP status codes for the top queries [Packetbeat] ECS
  • Top 10 HTTP requests [Packetbeat] ECS
  • Network Traffic Between Hosts [Packetbeat Flows] ECS
  • Top Hosts Creating Traffic [Packetbeat Flows] ECS
  • Connections over time [Packetbeat Flows] ECS
  • HTTP error codes [Packetbeat] ECS
  • Errors vs successful transactions [Packetbeat] ECS
  • HTTP Transactions [Packetbeat] ECS

Analysis: Identifying the Port Scan

What time did the port scan occur?

● 23:05

How groups of many packets were sent and from which IP?

● 1,379.

From IP address We can observe that the victim responded back with 401 (Unauthorized), 207 (Multi-Status), 200 (OK), and 404 (Not found) responses.

What responses did the victim send back?

● We can see 401, 301, 207, 404 and 200 as the top responses.

What data is concerning from the Blue Team perspective?

● We can see a connection spike in the Connections over time [Packetbeat Flows] ECS

● We can also see a spike in errors in the Errors vs successful transactions [Packetbet] ECS

Analysis: Finding the Request for the Hidden Directory

What time did the request occur? How many requests were made?

● 16,619 requests.

Which files were requested? What did they contain?

● The top three hits for directories and files that were requested were:

Analysis: Finding the WebDAV Connection

The secret_folder directory was requested 16,619 times.

The shell.php file was requested 22 times

Analysis: Uncovering the Brute Force Attack

The logs contain evidence of a large number of requests for the sensitive data. Only 1 request was successful. This is a telltale signature of a brute-force attack.

Chart of Successful vs. Unsuccessful Requests

401 = Unsuccessful 301= Successful

Blue Team Proposed Alarms and Mitigation Strategies


Penetration Test Report


Improving SOC Alerting and Real-time Threat Analysis by Own Exploits