In 2021, I Completed My First Ever CTF

Privilege Escalation through a system. Gaining access to different users until we are root


A famous hacker had created a user on the system a year ago. Find this user, crack his password and login to his account.


Find a ‘log’ file and a zip file related to the hacker’s name.

  • Use a compound command to figure out the unique count of IP Addresses in this log file. That number is a password.

Hint: Use the unzip command to open any zip files you may find.

  • Note: To unzip the zip file, use the unzip command.


Cat stallman, password is in the cat

Find a directory with a list of hackers. Look for a file that has read permissions for the owner, no permissions for groups and executable only for everyone else.

(stallman has 9, look in stallman)


This user is writing a bash script, except it isn’t quite working yet. Find it, debug it and run it.

Cat the /var/tmp/5galf


Inspect this user’s custom aliases and run the suspicious one for the proper flag.

Type alias


Find an exploit to gain a root shell. Login as the root user.

Creating an empty file, and going into it

Less is a privilege escalation exploit

Typing !bash makes us root


Gather each of the 7 flags into a file and format it as if each flag was a username and password.

Crack these passwords for the final flag.


Investigating an Internal Policy Violation: Email


Exploit Vulnerable WordPress Installation, Set Alerts in Kibana